
Large or small, heavy or light – we can store almost anything for you. Whether your goods are stored in containers, on pallets or on special load carriers. With a strong manufacturing plant in the background, we will find the best solution for you. The most important thing? That we choose the best storage strategy for you and make storage as efficient as possible. We take into account the different storage strategies, such as FIFO or FEFO, and can also help you with stocktaking.

Im Palettenlager gibt es viele Metallregale gefüllt mit Paletten

The Classic

palett warehouse

Pallets are most commonly in standard high-bay warehouses. Whether for Euro, industrial or special pallets. Sophisticated designs and our high level of production with extremely tight tolerances guarantee precise material handling even at heights of 40 metres and more.

Kleinteilelager mit vielen Metallregalen

The Dynamic

automated small parts warehouse

If you have goods that fit into smaller containers, the use of an automated small parts warehouse should not be underestimated. It creates opportunities that a pallet warehouse cannot offer: It is space-saving, efficient and highly dynamic. Goods that often block pallet spaces due to their size can be easily stored in the miniload.

Ein Lagerhaus mit Regalen und vielen verpackten Kartons

The Robust One

manual warehouse

In some cases, it may make perfect sense to fall back on a classic manual warehouse, as we knew it before automation. But what is particularly important here? Clever warehouse management software that perfects even manual processes. No problem with our forklift control system.

The Performer

shuttle system

Here, several stacker cranes are arranged one above the other in an aisle. The connecting element here is the LTW vertical conveyor, which transports the goods to the individual stacker cranes and also collects them again. The stacker cranes move almost exclusively horizontally. This allows the maximum speed to be utilised from the stacker cranes.

Produktions Pufferlager mit Regalen und Förderbändern

The Supporter

production buffer warehouse

If desired, our intralogistics systems can also be integrated directly into the production process. The high-bay warehouse acts as a buffer store where the goods can, for example, ripen, cool down or harden. The best thing about it? In addition to the semi-finished goods, the finished products can of course also be stored – so the warehouse is optimally utilised.

The cool one

refrigeration systems

Fully automated operation of an intralogistics system at -28°C places high demands on the planning and design of the equipment. Experience is required to be able to correctly assess the shrinkage behaviour of materials and to pay attention to important details. With over 100 successful freezing projects worldwide, we have the expertise.

Eine Schiene in einer Lagerhalle

The special

customized system

In addition to standard solutions, we offer a wide range of innovative solutions. Why? Because Doppelmayr's production facilities give us the flexibility to fulfil customer requirements. Whether for containers, for 31-metre-long goods or for boats. You specify the dimensions, we come up with a suitable solution for your requirements.

  • LTW LIOS - Ein 3D-Model mit der Aufschrift Lios

    LTW LIOS: Storage

    The warehouse management system is a central element of every intralogistics system. It not only cleverly organizes all fully automated processes in the background, but also coordinates the logistical flow of goods for manual operators. This means that both manual, hybrid and fully automated intralogistics systems are supported. As an intelligent link, the LIOS WMS connects all areas of your intralogistics system and thus significantly increases the overall productivity of your company.