With LTW LIOS, we have developed a new software family. What is the advantage for you? We constantly develop our modules and tools and can thus further optimize the flow of goods in your system. And with LTW LIOS Cockpit, we have created a new user interface that represents all parts of your system even better. This, in turn, has the advantage that you always have a view of all processes in your system and, thanks to the user-friendly operation, you do not have to complete a long training program. The best thing about LIOS? It is modular and includes all the functions needed to operate a logistics system.

LIOS stands for "LTW Intralogistics Operating System".
In principle, there is nothing standing in the way of this project - together with you, we will examine the feasibility and which modules are best suited for your system. Simply contact us, we will be happy to advise you.
LTW LIOS has various modules and extensions. The core elements are the LTW LIOS Warehouse Management System (WMS) and the LTW LIOS Material Flow System (MFS). The LTW LIOS Cockpit provides you with an optimal overview of your system. In addition, the new visualization is particularly user-friendly thanks to its intuitive operation.
Yes, we are also the right contact for you in this case. You probably know as well as we do how complex the material flow control of a system can be. Therefore, it makes the most sense for you to contact us directly with your request. Together, we will analyze the processes and provide you with comprehensive advice.
We are the Engineers of Flow - for us, standing still is a foreign word. And we live up to this claim in our product development as well. We are constantly working on expanding the Warehouse Management System - new modules are being developed and optimization and reporting functions are being generated.
To detect and resolve irregularities in your system even faster, we have connected LTW LIOS with our new digital service platform LTWcare. Thanks to demand-oriented support, the availability of the system is maintained at a consistently high level throughout the entire lifecycle of the system. Learn more about LTWcare at: